
Left UnRead

Words unread are lives unlived


A powerful literacy initiative from Enough For All and Vibrant Communities Calgary in collaboration with the Calgary Library, Left UnRead was crafted to be a disruptive banner brand to empower citizens to advocate for child literacy and mobilize in supporting policy that would improve currently dire outcomes.

Literacy is a light that guides children as they grow. The power of words provides answers, insight, and directions on the ways of the world. But for one in five Albertans who have faced literacy challenges since childhood, these all important words are left unread, leaving many of life’s best experiences left unknown. Little experiences like reading a ridiculous meme — and big experiences like finishing school. The pattern of words left unread slowly turns into a person with a life unlived, and all those chances untaken. Like the chance to read the offer for that big promotion. Or to write down your innermost thoughts. We want all children to have those chances. The chance for a life lived to the fullest. We want no child to be left unread.